3 Mistakes that Could Turn Your Custom Home Building Process in the Wrong DirectionWalking through the front door of a new custom home that you’ve just built can be an extremely exciting and satisfying event. Just knowing that the home is uniquely yours can provide you with the pride that the home is not just one-of-a-kind, but that it is truly yours. But, the actual building process may not always go as smoothly as it should. So, being aware of some of the key mistakes that custom home owners make could allow you to eliminate them up front, and move towards the completion of your unique home much more seamlessly.

With that in mind, some of the biggest pitfalls that could hold your building process back include:

1) Assuming that the builder will provide you with all of the ideas.

While the building of a “tract” or neighborhood home may entail just simply picking from various floor plans and other options provided by the builder, when you are involved in the process of a custom home, it can actually work the other way around. For example, in this case, the builder will typically follow the buyer’s lead when it comes to the design and the customization – which is essentially what gives the home your unique touch.

2) Not planning for potential delays.

Regardless of what is being built, in most cases, delays in construction are typically unavoidable. In some cases, though, certain delays could be sidestepped by the home owner. For instance, if you are unsure about where you want to put the laundry facilities, it can also postpone the plumber – which in turn, can delay the electrician, and the domino effect goes on. Given that there will undoubtedly be some delays, though, it is important to factor these into your overall timeline.

3) Not being mindful of the budget.

Even some of the apparently smallest decisions can turn into big budgetary alterations. For instance, if you add various items to the list – such as a better grade of kitchen appliances – if you don’t also subtract items from other areas, you may find that you’ve gone way over your originally proposed costs. In order to keep your home building expenses from spiraling out of control, always be mindful of what your total bottom line figure is likely to be. Doing so can be extremely beneficial for avoiding big surprises down the road.

When you get ready to build your custom home, Contact Us.