While you’re in the process of seeing your custom dream home idea become a reality, it is easy to jump directly into the details like decorating and other designs. However, there are some people who will begin their home building journey with the lot itself. That’s because, even the most beautiful of homes can sometimes look out-of-place if they are situated on the “wrong” piece of land.

The Importance of the Right Spot for Your New Custom HomeFor this reason, many who are in the process of creating their ideal residence will oftentimes take an ample amount of time finding the perfect parcel of land, and then move forward with mapping out the dimensions and other attributes of the home itself.

Many of the lots you look at may initially appear to be ideal places to build. But, there are certain lots that may require additional foundation support, such as below ground piers, and / or various levels of excavation work in order to ensure that the home is properly supported.

Before moving forward with the purchase of a plot of land, it is also important to ensure that you will be able to run utility, water, and sewage lines to a home. This is particularly the case if you have opted for a lot that is located in a remote area.

Prior to moving ahead with your new home construction, you will also need to be sure that there aren’t any zoning laws and / or easements that could make building the home – or getting to and from the home once it’s been built – more difficult. Likewise, depending on the area in which you choose to build, there may be certain guidelines for the type of architecture that you may or may not have in place.

If you’re considering the construction of a custom built home and you would like additional details about how to nail down the perfect lot, give us a call. We specialize in building custom homes in Orlando and the surrounding Central Florida area, and we’d be happy to provide you with the information you need to begin the process.